Habitat for Humanity provides a unique opportunity for hardworking people and families to build and buy their own homes. Our houses are sold at no profit to our partner homeowners with an affordable mortgage. The mortgage lengths and payments vary depending on the income of the new homeowner(s); the monthly mortgage payment is based on the cost of construction (also includes taxes, insurance, and condo fees, if applicable) but is no more than 30% of the homeowner’s gross monthly income at the time of sale. As Habitat for Humanity homeowners make their monthly mortgage payments they are put into a revolving fund that helps pay for construction of future houses in Jackson County.

What is the first step toward becoming a Habitat partner family?
If you are interested in the Habitat for Humanity program and have reviewed the requirements to see if you qualify, the next step is to join us for an orientation. We host an orientation just prior to the opening of each 30-day application window. Rogue Valley Habitat typically opens a 30-day application window twice a year (will vary based on land inventory and budgets). Click HERE to provide us with your contact information and we will notify prior to our next orientation and application window.
How are the applicants selected?
Applicants will submit a partnership application and paperwork during the open application window. Habitat staff and volunteers will review the information from your application and pull your credit to see if it is acceptable. We will figure out your Debt to Income ratio, which needs to be less than 13%. If your Credit Check and income meets our minimum requirements, we will invite you into the next step of the partnership process. The next step will be a site visit with members of our Family Services Committee. Two to four of our committee volunteers will meet you and your family at your home to verify your current housing conditions, We will also ask you to gather additional documents and information needed to confirm that the applicant meets all of our requirements. If the application passes this second step, we will contact the applicants for an interview in which we will confirm information provided on your applications and thoroughly discuss our program requirements. Once all interviews are conducted, we will make a final determination based on all the information provided. It’s important to note that we usually have a larger amount of qualified applicants than homes available. Because of this, we are unable to guarantee that an applicant will be selected to join our program even if they meet all of our criteria.
Will background checks be conducted?
Yes. Habitat does background checks on all household members over the age of 16. A criminal history does not automatically disqualify an applicant; any issues that come up in a background check will be dealt with on an individual basis.
Who can be a part of my household? How is my household size determined?
Only individuals who are currently living in the household can be considered when determining household size and the number of bedrooms the applicant qualifies for. A child is only considered in regards to household size if the applicant has at least 50% custody of that child. We do occasionally make exceptions and definitely want to make sure that household members are not discounted when inappropriate. If a person is pregnant during the application process, the unborn child will be counted towards the household size. Please be sure to explain any household size situations in your application.
If accepted as a Partner Family, how long will it take before I purchase my Habitat house?
Families are in the program until their house has been built or remodeled; generally, this takes 12 to 24 months. Ideally, construction of a partner family’s house begins within six months from the time of approval. Completion of the house will vary. The construction process is complex with many variables depending on funding sources, the construction schedule and building requirements. This complexity makes it difficult to predict the length of time from pre-approval in the program to purchasing a house.
What kinds of houses does Habitat build or remodel?
We typically build two to five bedrooms, wood frame houses with approximately 900 to 1500 square feet depending on the family size. Remodel house square footage and amenities vary. A new electric range, refrigerator and dishwasher are provided with our houses. One, one and ½ or two bathrooms are standard. Often Habitat houses or remodel houses are attached, and share walls. Habitat houses can be condominiums, duplexes, multiplexes, or single dwellings. Habitat builds and sells simple, decent houses.
Do applicants get to choose the location or design of the home?
No. Habitat does not build custom houses. Habitat will choose the size of the house based on household size and makeup. We expect two children of the same gender to share a bedroom if they are close in age. The location of the house is dependent upon where Habitat is building or remodeling houses. The locations available will usually be discussed during the homeownership application process.
How much will the Habitat house cost?
Habitat sells houses for market value, which cannot be determined until the house is complete. No matter what the price of the house, Habitat is committed to keeping housing payments affordable. Habitat partner families’ housing payments will be set at 30% of their household gross monthly income at the time of sale. This monthly amount will include the mortgage payment, homeowners’ insurance, possibly HOA dues, and property taxes.
Click the link to learn more about our Income Guidelines and Program Qualifications.
We only accept applications during two 30-day application windows each year. If you feel that you fit our criteria and you would like to be notified of our next orientation and open application window, please submit your information below.
If you have specific questions regarding Habitat programs and services, please contact our Operations Director, Brandon Thoms.
bthoms@roguevalleyhabitat.org or 541-779-1983.

Estado de cuenta de Equal Housing Opportunity: Estamos prometido a la letra y el espiritú de la póliza U.S. por el logro de la opotunidad de obtener casa sin discriminación por todo el país. Estimulamos y sorportamos un programa afirmativo de mercadeo en el cual no hay barreras de obtener casa sin distinguir por raza, color, religión, handicap, estato familiar, o origen nacional.
Equal Housing Opportunity Statement: We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. Policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, marital status and/or national origin.